8月20日~8月21日 みちのく温泉旅 その2 中山平温泉 しんとろの湯

8月20日~8月21日 みちのく温泉旅 その1 鳴子温泉 東多賀の湯

しんとろの湯 外観

しんとろの湯 ノボリ

しんとろの湯 浴槽(パンフより)


While talking with a man who was with me at Higashitaganoyu, I went to Shintoronoyu because it was popular in Naruko Onsen with a slightly different spring quality than others.

この『中山平温泉 しんとろの湯』は公衆浴場という事で大人420円でした。

This “Nakayamadaira Onsen Pintoro no Yu” was 420 yen for an adult because it was a public bath.


Certainly I felt quite slimy. ph was 9.3 and the alkalinity was quite good ♪


There was a spring at the back, and it was said that the source of 93 degrees became appropriate temperature by passing a gutter of about 200 meters from there, and it was poured into the bathtub as it was (* ^ _ ^ *).


明らかに『鳴子温泉 東多賀の湯』とは全く違う泉質を楽しむことが出来ました\(^o^)/。

The water in the brochure looks transparent, but on this day it was a little whitish and translucent (* ^ ▽ ^ *).

Obviously, I was able to enjoy a completely different spring quality from “Naruko Onsen @ Higashi Taganoyu” (^ o ^) /.



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